how to make money with digital marketing course

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Digital marketing is one of the few industries that is thriving today despite the global financial impact of the coronavirus.

Businesses and individuals no longer have the choice but to develop a new plan and adapt their strategy to be 100% digital. Everyone – from consumers to employees – are staying are online more so than ever. TIME magazine even called the shift as the “world’s largest work from home experiment.” 

Given today’s situation, there is no better time to become a digital entrepreneur and invest in a digital marketing course to adapt to the world we live in.

With millions of people losing their jobs, many are looking for ways to ensure job security.

For that reason, the demand for digital marketing courses is on the rise. 

To succeed in digital marketing, you need a course that covers the following foundation: 

  • the different business models that you can make money in digital marketing
  • how to generate traffic to your website or landing page
  • the creative strategies and tactics that world-class advertisers use to convert their traffic into sales 
  • and analytic skills to identify if your campaigns are delivering the best ROI possible. 

Below are the CRUCIAL skill sets that you need before investing in the best digital marketing course that will propel you to success.

Digital Marketing Course Skill Set Need #1: Understanding the different business models

digital marketing course business plan

The digital marketing landscape is ever-evolving. A great percentage of very successful digital marketers, those who make roughly at least six figures a month, have a mastery of different business models that are a part of their income stream. 

Before investing in a digital marketing course, make sure you have a deep understanding of the different business models and how you can make them your full-time income stream.

1. Blogging

Blogging is under the umbrella of digital marketing, a tool that is more than about sharing your experience through blog posts, or promoting your brand business through content. 

The best digital marketing courses need to show a step-by-step strategy to build a blog and generate passive income. There are secrets and techniques that digital marketers use to rank their blog on the first page of Google, and an effective digital marketing course should be able to guide their students on how to reach that goal. 

How do digital marketers monetize their blogs?

The most successful digital marketers recognize the high potential of blogging and how to monetize it. 

Bloggers and digital marketers monetize their blog in various ways, most notably through advertisements or through affiliate marketing. 

2. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is another branch of digital marketing – although both have some similarities and differences. 

As we know, digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using different digital channels and technologies. 

Affiliate marketing is earning money (mostly commission-based) through advertising or marketing products. You get paid the moment people buy the product or service you are promoting. 

How do you make money in affiliate marketing?

The best digital marketing courses give a step-by-step blueprint and guide on how to get started in affiliate marketing. 

To get started with affiliate marketing, you need to first decide on a niche of a product or service you want to promote and join their affiliate program.

The amount of the commission you receive for promoting a product or offer plays a part in your decision making. With that said, look for high commission payout rates. For obvious reasons, the more commission you get paid, the more money you make.

>> Related: 19 Work From Home Online Jobs That Earn Full-Time Income

3. Dropshipping

Dropshipping in digital marketing is creating an online store and have a strategy (and a few tricks) into converting leads into sales. 

If you are not familiar with dropshipping, it’s a business model where you, as a store owner, don’t need to buy products in advance. You just add a necessary product to your site, and when someone purchases it, you buy it from the supplier who directly ships this item to your customer.

So, when starting an online business, you easily avoid the hassles of things like developing products, tracking inventory, setting up warehouse space, and maintaining a confusing shipping/receiving infrastructure.

Below is an infographic on how dropshipping works:

digital marketing course dropshipping model

The best digital marketing course regarding dropshipping teaches you strategies that top advertisers use to convert a high percentage of their traffic into sales. 

4. Launching a digital product:

Many digital marketers started their online entrepreneurship by launching digital products, such as ebooks and digital marketing courses.

But to ensure profit from your digital product, you must have a clear strategy for advertising your product.

Digital advertising has become a significant component of modern-day marketing strategies—and if it’s not part of your business strategy, it should be! 

An effective digital marketing course will go over the following strategies to promote your digital products:


The competition for every product out there is at its peak, especially when promoted in the digital space. The best digital marketing courses give you strategies on have that visual element that makes your product stand out from the competition.

Invest in digital marketing courses that show you creative strategies, whether it is a logo, mascot, font, or color scheme. 

You want to catch the eye of the audience, but you also want to maintain their attention and have them remember your brand.


One of the advantages of digital marketing courses is learning to analyze which outlets you should invest more time and money into, and which ones not to. 


When it comes to digital marketing, there are a bunch of different ways to draw and execute strategies. 

You may have ideas for what is going to work best for your audience based on experience with your ads, but taking the time to conduct thorough research and have data to support your actions is essential.


When it comes to digital advertising, it is essential to remember that for any business to be effective; they need to know their audience well. 

Research which social media sites their audience spends time and the type(s) of content to provide for each platform. 

Digital Marketing Course Skill Set Need #2: Knowing Different Traffic Sources

It has to be said: if you don’t have traffic, you don’t have a business!

The mantra goes for both brick and mortar stores and in digital marketing.

In digital marketing, traffic sources in the simplest form are the origin through which people found your site. 

That said, the quantity of traffic from each source isn’t really what matters – it’s the quality.

The most valuable traffic sources for any site are the ones that attract visitors who convert. And although they can vary for different businesses, certain channels tend to attract more qualified visitors than others.

Direct Traffic

Direct traffic is from visitors who came to your site by typing your URL into their browsers. In most cases, your past website visitors return to convert or continue learning about your company.


Organic search traffic refers to all visitors who arrive on your site by clicking the organic results (not PPC ads) in SEM search engines like Google. It means that they went to a search engine, typed in a certain word or phrase, and saw one of your pages as a result.

If your company uses search engine optimization (SEO) as one of your main marketing strategies, you should expect to see a large portion of your traffic coming from organic search. It indicates that you’re not only ranking well for at least a handful of keywords but that people are seeing your site in the results and clicking through.

Social Media Traffic

social media traffic online marketing

Social traffic includes visitors who clicked links to your site on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, or Pinterest. 

If you use social media as part of your marketing strategy, you should expect to see a decent amount of traffic from this source – mainly if you have engaged followers or subscribers.

Paid Social Media Advertising

Launching social media “sponsored” ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and even Pinterest, allows you to drive instant traffic to your website, landing page, or online store.

These platforms allow digital advertisers, or digital nomads, to target the millions (and billions) of users based on their interests and demographics. 

Paid search traffic 

Paid search traffic refers to all of the users who click on your paid advertisements other than Google Display Network ads. If you run ads using Google AdWords or Bing Ads, you should see some traffic from this source.

Email Traffic

Email traffic refers to all visitors who click on the links in your newsletters and other emails. If you launch email marketing campaigns (or even just have an RSS subscription set up for your blog), you should see some traffic from email.

The best digital marketing course teaches you how to build your email list to help drive traffic to your online business. 

Direct Traffic

Direct traffic is from visitors who came to your site by typing your URL into their browsers. In most cases, these visitors have been to your site in the past and return either convert or continue learning about your company.


Creativity is a hallmark of every successful digital marketer. 

Creativity has been essential to marketing success long before the internet or digital marketing came about.

Their creativity allows them to stand out to the competition that is vying for the same target audience. 

Perhaps the most critical aspect of their creativity is the ability to capture a lead and convert it into a sale. 

Below are some of the fundamental creative elements that successful digital marketers focus on to drive more sales to their campaigns:


Mastering the art of writing sales and marketing copy is essential for any digital marketer.

The goal of copywriting is to sell something – whether that’s new software, a marketing service, sponsorship opportunity, or other product. 

The best digital marketing courses should give you the common words and verbiage that top advertisers and marketers use to convert their traffic into sales. 

Effective copywriting is essential in launching social media ads and landing/sales pages. 

Look for digital marketing courses that focus on strategies with storytelling, and knowing the right words to use in regards to call to action.


A creative strategy is vital to the success of every digital marketing campaign. 

Using the right images and videos plays a big part in that creating a marketing strategy. 

Let’s face it; there is only so much you can offer your audience with the typical content marketing antics, especially if you’re after uniqueness. Most average marketers are speaking the same tactics, repackaging the same ideas, and presenting information with the same format everyone is familiar with – text, text, and more text.

It’s all about developing and staying consistent with a personality that you want your audience to associate with your brand. 

And what can be more personalized than content that’s visually unique and compelling?

A picture or a video is worth a thousand words, mainly if that particular image or video contains condensed information, and presents in a delightful manner.

A digital marketing course teaches you how to use visual marketing at its finest and purest. 

A good one incorporates depth, relevant information, a flow of thought, a complete idea, and packages it all together in a visual format. Another popular form of visual content is the visual quote, which usually consists of an inspiring or informative quote matched with an emotionally captivating background.

Other types of visual content include slideshow presentations, images, screenshots, and, in some cases, memes.


Knowing which metrics to track and analyze is an integral part of success in digital marketing.

A digital marketing course should guide you with different metrics to help you make actionable plans based on data.

Below is a breakdown of some of the analytics and metrics to look for in digital marketing:


You can dive deeper into your traffic numbers to see how visitors are interacting with your site. Pay close attention to:

  • How much time they spend on your site
  • How many pages they view during their visit (and which pages they’re spending the most time on)
  • Whether they are a new or returning user
  • Whether they are using desktop or mobile

The goal is to be able to identify things like:

  • Which content pieces drive the most traffic
  • What actions visitors are taking on your site
  • Where a majority of your visitors are dropping off
  • Opportunities to optimize portions of the user journey

It will help you focus your efforts on the areas of your marketing strategy that matter. Once you understand more about your visitors, how they’re getting to the site, what they’re interacting with, and where they’re dropping off, you can develop a plan of action to keep them engaged and lead them to conversion points.


Conversion is the ultimate objective, the action you want people to be taking on your site, whether as a lead or a sale. 

We often think of “macro” conversions, like downloading an eBook or filling out a contact form, but “micro” conversions, like subscribing to your blog, are equally important. It gets a visitor into your system as a contact. From there, the goal is to get them to be a customer or evangelist, but how?

We’re all familiar with the four main steps to gaining new customers in inbound marketing: Attract, Convert, Close, and Delight. But let’s break this down a little further. How do you establish a relationship with your potential customers from the outset?

  • Create content that is helpful and engages your visitors
  • Establish trust and expertise
  • Help them identify their problem or need (they may not even know they have one yet)
  • Provide a solution

By tracking conversions, you can start to recognize the actions visitors typically take before becoming customers. Maybe your average customer reads three blogs, downloads a piece of content, and receives five emails before agreeing to talk to a salesperson. This knowledge can help you optimize the user’s journey to conversion.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

For internet users who aren’t sure they have a problem yet, or don’t know your solution exists, another way to drive brand awareness is with paid campaigns that target people using certain criteria. 

The click-through rate of your ads is an essential indication of relevance. Your audience wants to feel like you understand them.

It’s essential to pay attention to your ads’ performance as a low CTR can mean a few things:

  • Your target audience isn’t specific enough.
  • The landing page does not match the expectations given in the ad
  • Your offer isn’t strong enough

The Digital Marketer Elite course teaches you the foundation that you need for success in digital marketing, as well as other tricks and strategies that advertisers and marketers use to convert their leads into sales.

Below is an outline of the digital marketing course:

Discover the best business model for your digital marketing business:

– What is blogging (Module 1-4)

– What is Affiliate Marketing (Module 1-4)

– What is Dropshipping (Module 1-4)

Digital Marketing Course on How to Launch Ads on Facebook and Instagram

Here’s what you will learn: The success of your campaigns start here. Learn how the Facebook pixel works, how it finds people who are most likely to buy from you, and where to find it (Module 1.1)

How to find the RIGHT target audience, so you don’t waste your advertising budget! (Module 6.1 – 6.9)

How to catch the attention of people who are randomly scrolling through their feeds with Facebook and Instagram ads (Module 5 and Module 12)

Master Facebook analytics so you understand the key metrics to look for that will save you a lot of money (Module 8.1-8.5)

How to turn losing campaigns into winning ones (Module 9.1-9.6)

How to scale winning campaigns (Module 14.14-14.15)

How to turn those clicks into conversions by using these ad psychology tricks on your landing pages (Module 7.1-7.7)

A digital marketing course that teaches you the creative strategy and more:

A course with a step-by-step action plan that guides you on how we set up our landing pages, the ad marketing tactics we use, the Facebook pixel codes we used, and the simple funnel step we implemented – all of which resulted with sales nearing $17K in 30 days.

Here’s what you will learn:

Deciding what products to sell – from creating your own, or jumping to affiliate marketing, or starting your online store via drop shipping (Module 1)

How sales funnels work and how they are used by digital marketers to SELL, SELL, SELL (Module 11)

Knowing which pixel code to use so that Facebook and Instagram can find people who are more likely to purchase from you! (Module 12)

​How we sold close to $17K of our ebook using this straightforward 3-step funnel (Section 14)

​We use the step-by-step process to launch our campaigns on Facebook and Instagram (so you can copy the same method) (Module 14).

​Knowing what to troubleshoot on your landing page when something is not working (so you don’t lose sales!)

A digital marketing course on strategies to boost your ranking in Google:

Here’s what you will learn:

How to start your research process for what niche to get into (so you don’t lose time!)  (Module 4)

Knowing the right strategy for selecting the right domain (so you can rank faster!) (Module 4.4)

We use the methods and strategies that boost our niche websites to the first pages of Google (and the service we use to help us achieve this within 30 days!) (Module 4.3)

The tools we use to spy on our competition (so you can outrank them, which means more traffic and sales to you!) (Module 4.4)